Our projects


Youth Exchange "Kings and Queens a little history" 10-19.08.2013 in Bran Romania

The project emphasized the historical heritage, cultural, moral and traditions of 5 different countries: Romania, Ucraine, Israel, Lithuania and Slovakia.
The educational activities of the project were found on the positive example of events in the history of each country, bringing to the front the figures that at some point in the past have left an important legacy, whether cultural, religious or moral, the current generation. Also the example of leaders who took important decisions in history, how they overcome obstacles putting his mark in the development of this, by their example could encourage understanding of the role of personal identity, cultural and geographical context of Europe Union Heritage.
It was one big encouragement of the dialogue between young people, including young people with fewer opportunities, creating opportunities for them to get involved and become active members of civil society.
Among the participants of this project there were 3 people with motor disabilities, 3 hearing impaired, 2 people with other disabilities as well as 5 members of cultural minorities. ADAPTO by it's own capabilities provided assistance, translation and a large amount of integrative activities.
Visibility of the project was made by organizing a flash mob in the courtyard of Bran Castle on 17/08/2013.
The participants aqnowlege and forseen the desire to organize and participate in other international projects under the Youth in Action Programme.
More images from flash-mob:


"A small team for a BIG smile" is created to be an 8 days (June 18, 2011 – June 26, 2011) partnership building project, action 4.3 in the frame of "Youth in Action Program".
The project will be focused on the inclusive participation of half people with disabilities, half not disabled and the creation of a network of NGO’s who writes and implements future projects with/for people with disabilities. The project will be held in Constanta (Romania) and will have 24 participants from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Turkey and Romania.
Through the workshops, NGO's fair, visits at other NGO's who work with people with disabilities, learning about accessibility, working together at future projects and using non-formal methods, this projects main objectives are:
- to create a favorable work environment for stimulating the open dialogue and the cooperation between the participants,
- to create a cohesion and a synergy between the participants, favorable for creating future projects,
- to establish links of co-operation, that enable the participants to organize new and innovative youth projects with an European dimension,
- to create a network of partnerships that will lead to the development of new projects for people with disabilities,
- attracting, encouraging and involving disabled people in volunteering and future youth projects,
- offering adequate instruments for a better inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities(mainly for young people with disabilities), instruments that can be used in future projects.


The project „Sarea în bucate - Salt, the spice of life” brings forward the partnership between the members of ADAPTO Association and their European friends based on the desire to continue on the direction of earlier projects, promoting the concept of equal opportunities for all young people regardless of differences of race, nationality, abilities or disabilities, image, income, social status, etc.
The project is meant to contribute in developing the participants, awareness upon both their own culture and the cultures of other participants. We want to have an open dialogue, we want to contribute further and increase the degree of tolerance and cooperation, communication and intercultural exchange.
Salt, the spice of life is a multicultural exchange project that will bring together 23 young people, from 4 different countries of Europe, in the city of Slanic Prahova Romania - one of the oldest salt mines in Europe.
With the project we want to promote European Union values, to make known the measures of the Youth in Action Program and to convince the young people to become actively involved in them. The project will contribute to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, people with disabilities or subject to other criteria of discrimination, in the great mass of young Europeans.


The ”Remote communities under one Europe” project is one multilateral youth exchange, meant în bringing together people from different nationalities, cultures, places under the same roof.
34 young people from 6 countries during 8 days will live, work, think together. They will play, talk, share ideas and experiences, be european citizen’s in the most eastern city of European Union, Sulina. The participants will bring theirs contribution in drawing the scheme of life in remote places, as Sulina city (reached only by boat), and share it along with other experiences and time together with the youth of Sulina hosting city.
Being european citizen even in remote cities or villages is not less important than any other big city inhabitant. The participants will explore what means to be european citizen and ways to better communicate this status.
Development of european awareness and it s expression towards people around us will be the luggage that the participants take home and multiply in theirs communities.