Training Course "Sir/Madam, watch your step" From September 28 till October 6, is a follow up of several projects we organised before, but the final idea was worked out during the TC in the Netherlands from October 201
1 with most of the partners. Also because just before that TC had been a TC in Ukraine were they produced a booklet about accessibility for disabilities in youth work, but it was still a draft and not tested out how and if it can be useful. This, in combination with the fact that 5 of the partners could bring into the project people with disabilities in combination with a totally not accessible country like Ukraine made us decide we wanted to write this project together. The project was meant to empower youth leaders, workers, trainers working to develop strategies and activities to address racism, xenophobia, discrimination and gender-based forms of violence. During the project, the participants were familiarized with different manuals on HRE, to plan and run youth activities on HRE regarding European citizenship and accessibility for disabled persons especially in the frame of the YOUTH in Action programme, but also with a new booklet that has been written in a TC in Ukraine about accessibility. The TC was held in Ukraine, Ivan-Frankivskiy region, and there were involved 40 participants, among them they were 8 with disabilities, from 10 countries involved will be: The Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus and Georgia. 6 members from ADAPTO Association participated in a training course named held in Ukraine, Ivan-Frankivskiy region. The project was organized by Rock Solid Foundation, an NGO started out of the base from a reformatted church that has experience in organizing projects even fron 1994. The participants had the opportunity to prepare a presentation about accessibility in their countries; each partner had to prepare a certain workshop on different topics like human rights, disabilities, democracy, etc; to present their traditions and to understand better the other cultures As a follow up to this project, the participants discussed to create another project on active citizenship, project that we think it's best to be held in Belarus in next spring and in which our association will be part of. Training Course "Discovering the key to inclusion" 30.09.2011 - 08.10.2011 Holland
This TC is a follow up of several project but most important of the last TC done in Georgia. There we again noticed that we should create a new way for presenting the Youth in Action program, because for less educated persons it is really hard to understand and boring. The methodology used in a project is one of the most important ingredients to make a project successful. In non-formal education, we think that games, energizers, role plays could help in keeping attention high and in transmitting concepts easily. Now we worked with a bigger group of people with disabilities and we discovered that all of the participants and trainers had their difficulties to involve this in a way that it is fun for everybody and still energetic for all. Next to that we push the intercultural learning to a higher level, because every country has prepared one day real good and original food from their countries. This program activities were divided under all the participants, everybody adapted part of the program, and together we tested it during the TC, with very good results.
"Hello, Europe, this is me ... a volunteer" 01-09.09.2011 Italy, a multilateral exchange, focused also on this topic: at local, national and international level (EVS) in order to promote youth mobility too. Who better could highlight the importance of voluntary action than the voluntaries themselves? Main themes are active European citizenship and disability. The exchange took place in little town, Castrignano de’ Greci (Italy). The countries involved were: Italy, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, Romania, Bulgaria, 7 participants from each country, most of them at the first European experience. Priority objectives were: increase of active European citizenship and participation of young people, (especially with fewer opportunities), but also improve solidarity, tolerance, respect of the cultural diversity and fight against racism/xenophobia. They were different interactive activities, based on methods of non formal education approach: workshops, brain storming, ice-breaking games, energizer, thematic laboratories (drama, music, painting, photo/video, dance), evaluations, etc., assuring the creation of a dynamic and cohesive group.
European information campaign "BE IN" organized by EUROPEAN TOGETHER Luxembourg, together with 23 countries from 2011-2012
Training course "Strategic planning of sustainable social services develops trough cooperation with other sector" 17-24.09.2010, Cajn, Montenegro organized by Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid
Training course ”We belong to europe” 18-25.02.2010, Batumi, Georgia, organized by Youth group Rock Solid, Maranatha church
Training course "Equality in Opportunity" 06-13.12.2009, Derby, England organized by Derby City Council
Training course "You Build!" 14-21.11.2009, Prague, Czech Republic organized by Youth Sport and Culture Association Denmark
Training course "Trough self for others" 06-11.10.2009, Riga, organized by Latvia Zemgale - NGO Support Center
Training course “The Heritage in the Eyes of The Blue Seas” 05-12.10.2008, Bodrum, Turkey, organized by Mayis CLUB – Manisa
Training course ”Rights and privileges of ethnic minorities” 18-25.05.2008, Chisinau, Rep. Of Moldova, organized by Young Journalis Association and Youth group Rock Solid, Maranatha church
training course “Advance training on Quality” 18-22.03.2008, De Glinde, Holland, organized by National Youth in Action Agency Holland
Training Course ”IUVENIS 2007: Equal Opportunities for Young Workers” 28.09-04.10.2007, Gozo, Malta, organized by GWU Malta
Training Course ”Multiple Discrimination as it affects young people” 20-22.09.2007, Bruselles, Belgium, organized by European Youth Forum
Training Course ”Summer School for young leaders” 05-10.07.2007, Constanta, Romania Local Youth Directorate Constanta County
seminar ”Youth and Sport Forum 2007” 17-24.06.2007, Bonn, Germany, organized by Youth Sport and Culture Association Denmark
Training Course ”Methods and practices for Facilitators dealing with intercultural and inter-religious dialogue in international youth exchanges” 13-20.05.2007, Strasbourg, France, organized by YEU International and EEE YFU
Training Course ”Creative Leadership – Training On Intercultural Leadership And Communication” 10-19.02.2007, Mollina, Spain, organized by YEU International
Training Course ”Youth and Family Forum” 03-10.12.2006, Magdeburg, Germany, organized by YER Network and All Different All Equal
Training Course ”Project Cicle Management” 07.08-08.09.2006, Constanta, Romania, organized by National Institute for Administration
Training Course ”Projects finaced from structural funds draw up” 17-21.07.2006, Constanta, Romania organized by National Institute for Administration
Training Course “Independent Living” 09-16.10.2005, Graz, Austria organized by Youth for progress and Selbstbestimmt Leben Österreich