marți, 14 iunie 2011

About us

ADAPTO For Youth Equality Association is one youth-for-youth organization.
We aim to be the umbrella NGO for the youngsters that want and need to express them selfs democratically and like Europeans.
We are trying to raise Romanian youth to a European level by focusing on democracy
and human rights, because everyone is born equal within the human rights.

Vision Mission Values

The harmonious development of the young people regarding the basis human principles and chances equalization.

Promoting the equality principles among young people no matter what are the differences between them.


Promoting the youths image;
Stereotype toleration and elimination;
Cultural and religious diversity;
Promoting the creation skills, the organizing, coordinating and work skills of young people no matter their abilities;
Equality, democracy, freedom as well as the right of active civic participation;
Charity, solidarity and the volunteer power;
Promoting the cooperation among young people fro their common successes of their projects.

Voluntary staff dedicated to the association's mission.
Current projects


Youth in Action EU Program

Projects in which young people can get involved actively and directly into activities planned by them and in which they are the main actors with the purpose of applying their own initiatives, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.
The participation of young people in such an action is a important experience from the non-formal education point of view.
As well, it offers to the young people the opportunity to understand and experiment “live” the concept of European citizens and to bring their contribution in building the United Europe

School for Parents

Is a modern concept of education over the entire lifetime addressed especially for the adults and meant to reduce the imparities and to promote the moral values. International youth exchanges through knowledge are able to promote the dialog, both-ways tolerance, inter-cultural conscience and solidarity beyond the country borders.

Assistance center for the employment and career mentoring

The Assistance center for the employment and career mentoring is an innovative project, meant to help the development and fitting into the common European work market of young people as well as forming a professions generation by focusing on their individual abilities and the career development by mentoring.